 A Guide to Daily Vitamins with 2x4
A Guide to Daily Vitamins with 2x4

Get the inside scoop on all the essential vitamins you need to up your nutrition game this year. From boosting your immune system, to maintaining healthy skin, we’ve broken down all the key vitamins you need to know about.

 5 Healthy Habits To Help Avoid The Flu
5 Healthy Habits To Help Avoid The Flu
Dr. Allan Miller, ND
Dr. Allan Miller, ND

Feeling sick? Whether you have a minor cold, fever, or chills, getting sick is never fun. Here are a few things you can do to try and stay healthy, and avoid getting sick all together.

 The Evolving Research on Dietary Fats: What You Need to Know
The Evolving Research on Dietary Fats: What You Need to Know
2x4 Nutrition
2x4 Nutrition

Fat has been given a bad rep for causing weight gain, however the truth is that healthy fats are an essential part of every diet, and can actually help with weight loss if necessary. Find out how you can incorporate healthy fats into your diet.